OpenDSA System Documentation

15. Data collection server database tables

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15. Data collection server database tables

Below is the description of all the tables created by the opendsa django app file.

15.1. Exercise

Stores exercises information.

Column Type Description
name int Name of the exercise
description longtext Description of the exercise
author varchar Exercise author
covers longtext
Topic covered by the
ex_type varchar Type of exercise: Khan academy, JSAV proficiency, or JSAV slide shows
streak (KA exercises) decimal streak of correct exercise for proficiency

15.2. Books

Stores books information.

Column Type Description
book_name varchar Name of the book
description longtext Book’s URL

15.3. Assignments

Stores assignments information.

Column Type Description
course_module(1) int reference to assignment name
assignment_book(2) int reference to book
comma separated
Exercise author

Foreign keys: (1) Exercise_CourseModule table (A+ database), (2) Book table.

15.4. Module

Stores modules information.

Column Type Description
short_display_name varchar Name of the module
name longtext Description of the module
author varchar Exercise author
covers longtext
Topic covered by the
exercises_list comma separated integers List of exercises in the module

15.5. BookModuleExercise

Stores information related to books, modules, and exercises relationships.

Column Type Description
book(1) int Reference to book
module(2) int Reference to module
exercise(3) int Reference to exercise
points int Points of the exercise

Foreign keys: (1) Book table, (2) Module table, (3) Exercise table.

15.6. BookChapter

Stores information about chapters in a book.

Column Type Description
book(1) int Reference to book
name int Name of the chapter
module_list comma separated integers List of modules in the chapter

Foreign keys: (1) Book table.

15.7. UserBook

Stores book-user relationships and if user’s work should be graded.

Column Type Description
book(1) int Reference to book
user(2) int Reference to user
grade boolean Indicates if user’s grades should be displayed in teachers’ view

Foreign keys: (1) Book table, (2) Auth_User table (Django table).

15.8. UserButton

Stores clickstream/interactions data

Column Type Description
book(1) int Reference to book
user(2) int Reference to user
exercise(3) int reference to exercise
module(4) int reference to module
name varchar type of interaction
description longtext description of the interaction
action_time datetime time of the interaction
uiid int unique id of the intercation
browser_family varchar browser used by the user
browser_version varchar browser’s version
os_family varchar operating system used
os_version varchar operating system’s version
device varchar device used by the user
ip_address varchar IP address of the user

Foreign keys: (1) Book table, (2) Auth_User table (Django table), (3) Exercise table, (4) Module table.

Jsav buttons jsav-forward: go to the next slide. jsav-backward: back to the previous slide. jsav-begin: go to the first page of the slideshow. jsav-end: go to the last page of the slideshow. => With AV information (see below), those actions would be very useful to calculate which slides are most viewed, and it would give a different aspect to calculate the slide reading time.

Mouse focus window-focus: student is looking at this page. window-blur: student left this page. => With this information, we might be able to calculate students’ actual spent time on OpenDSA.

Module load window-unload: in the current system, this actions is recorded only when students leave the page, but within Canvas, it is recorded when users hit the next button to continue reading the prose. document-ready: a module is loaded.

KA exercise load-ka: this action is recorded when KA exercise framework is loaded. When KA exercise framework is loaded, all interaction logs go to userexerciselog, so userbutton table does not get any interaction log. However, when the KA exercise is refreshed (for gaming or any other reason), this actin is recorded on the userbutton table. Therefore, by counting the frequency of this action, we can tell how many times students refreshed the page to avoid hard questions. With a new infrastructure, we are getting an exact exercise name, so along with these two information, we can catch one type of gaming activity with confidence.

AV information ev_num: number of clicks on Jsav with any jsav button (forward, backward, begin, or end). currentStep: number of required clicks to reach the last slide. Thus, the total number of slide is the value of currentStep + 1. (e.g. if there is a set of slide with five slides, the currentStep value is four since you need to click four times to get to the end of the slide show).

15.9. UserModule

Records a summary of a student activity on a module

Column Type Description
book(1) int Reference to book
user(2) int Reference to user
module(3) int reference to module
first_done datetime date of first module attempt
last_done datetime date of last module attempt
proficient_date datetime date of prociciency

Foreign keys: (1) Book table, (2) Auth_User table (Django table), (3) Module table.

15.10. UserData

Records summary of user/exercises activity (started exercises and proficient exercises).

Column Type Description
book(1) int Reference to book
user(2) int Reference to user
started_exercises comma separated int reference to module
proficient_exercises comma separated int date of first module attempt

Foreign keys: (1) Book table, (2) Auth_User table (Django table)

15.11. UserExerciseLog

Records information about each exercise attempt.

Column Type Description
user(1) int Reference to user
exercise(2) int reference to exercise
correct boolean correctness of the attempt
time_done datetime time of the attempt
time_taken datetime time taken to complete the exercise
counts_hints int number of hint used
hint_used boolean hint used or not
earned_proficiency boolean proficiency earned or not
count_attempt int number of attempts
ex_question varchar KA question name
request_type longtext KA user interaction type

Foreign keys: (1) Book table, (2) Exercise.

15.12. UserProgLog

Records additional information about each programing exercise attempt.

Column Type Description
problem_log(1) int Reference to UserExerciseLog
student_code longtext students attempt code
feedback longtext compilation feedback

Foreign keys: (1) UserExerciseLog table.

15.13. UserProfExerciseLog

Stores additional information about each JSAV proficiency exercise attempt.

Column Type Description
problem_log(1) int Reference to UserExerciseLog
student int  
correct int  
fix int  
undo int  
total int  

Foreign keys: (1) UserExerciseLog table.

15.14. UserExercise

Stores statistics about student attempts each record contains the data related to one student and one exercise.

Column Type Description
user(1) int Reference to user
exercise(2) int reference to exercise
streak int streak of the attempt (KA)
longuest_streak int user’s longuest streak
first_done datetime time of first attempt
last_done datetime time of last attempt
total_done int total number of attempts
total_correct int number of correct attempts
proficient_date datetime date of proficiency
progress decimal correctness percentage
correct_exercises longtext a list of correct exercises
current_exercises longtext current exercise title
hinted_exercises longtext recently hint used exercise

Foreign keys: (1) Auth_User table (Django table), (2) Exercise table.

15.15. Bugs

Stores bugs reported by users.

Column Type Description
user(1) int Reference to user
os_family varchar OS where the bug occured
browser_family varchar browser used
title varchar short summary of the bug
description longtext detailed bug’s description
screenshot longtext path to the screenshot

Foreign keys: (1) Auth_User table (Django table).

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