3. Compiling Book Instances: OpenDSA Configuration

3.1. Overview

Note: This section initially presents configuation management from raw configuration files, which is generally only done by developers for testing purposes. Instructors will use the book configuration GUI, which is documented toward the end of this section.

A given OpenDSA eTextbook is called a “book instance”. A book instance is made of of “modules”, where each module is a single ReStructuredText file. The modules within a book instance, their chapter grouping, their order, and details about how exercises that they contain will be treated are all defined by a configuration file, the detailed syntax for which is defined in this section. In practice, it is easiest to start by copying an existing configuration file, and then changing it to fit your needs. Configuration files are JSON files, normally stored in OpenDSA/config. From the top level of an OpenDSA repository (from within the OpenDSA-DevStack), you can compile a book instance (given the existance of a configuration file named config/foo.json) by issuing these commands:

docker-compose up -d # to start the container
docker-compose exec opendsa bash # to enter into the container
python tools/configure.py config/foo.json --no-lms
CTRL + C # to exit the container
docker-compose down # to take down the container

Separate from book instances is the concept of a “course instance” or “course offering”. Depending on the course software (typically an LMS such as Canvas) that you are using, you will likely need to compile a special instance of a given OpenDSA book instance for each course that intends to use it.

Details about how to define a course related information and how to create a course offering using OpenDSA web interfaces is in OpenDSA web interfaces.

3.2. Motivation for the Configuration System

  • Allows content to be environment-independent

    • Configuration file contains all environment-dependent settings such as paths and target URLs

    • Example: If developers want to point their front-end code at different backend systems, they simply make the change in their own config file. They can share all OpenDSA content, but when they build the book, it will be built using their personalized settings

  • Allows easy replication

    • Collects all settings and preferences required to configure an instance of OpenDSA in a single, portable file that can be easily shared among instructors.

    • Once a configuration has been created, instructors can make identical copies without going through the configuration process

  • Allows fine grain control

    • Existing configuration files provide sensible defaults, but allow instructors to control aspects such as how many points a specific exercise is worth or whether it is required for module proficiency

3.3. Configuration Process

A comment at the beginning of configure.py gives some information information about how the script works. Generally, those who want to compile a book instance do not need to worry about those details.

Note: The OpenDSA root directory must be web-accessible as there are many supplemental directories and files (AV/, Exercises/, lib/, SourceCode/, etc) which must be referenced. These files are identical for all books and not copying them reduces the footprint of each book.

3.3.1. Module and Exercise Removal

  • Only the modules listed in the configuration file will be included. To remove a module from the book, simply remove the module object from the configuration file.

  • To remove a section from a module, set the “showsection” attribute to false. Exercises are normally the sole contents of some sections. Note that Exercises that do not appear in the configuration file will still be included in the book using the default configuration options.

3.3.2. Book Name

The name of the configuration file will often be used in some way by the LMS that manages the course. For example, the name of the configuration file might be the Course Code in Canvas LMS.

3.4. Format

OpenDSA configuration files are stored using JSON. Here are the field definitions. All are required unless otherwise specified.

  • title - The title of the OpenDSA textbook.

  • build_dir - (optional) The directory where the configured book directory will be created, defaults to ‘Books’ if omitted

    • A new directory, named after the configuration file, will be created at this location and serve as the output directory for the configuration process. Files required to compile the book will be copied / written to the output directory, including modified version of the source RST files

      • Example: Assume “build_dir”: “Books” and the name of the configuration file used is “CS3114.json”, the output directory would be “~OpenDSA/Books/CS3114/”

    • The compiled textbook will appear in [build_dir]/[book name]/html

    • This directory must be web accessible

  • code_dir (optional) - Specifies a directory that contains another directory as specified by code_lang (see below). Defaults to SourceCode if omitted.

    • Ex: Using "code_dir": "SourceCode/", and assuming that the defined language directory is Python then the configuration process would look for example Python source code in ~OpenDSA/SourceCode/Python.

  • code_lang - A dictionary where each key is the name of a programming language (supported by Pygments and matching a directory name in code_dir), and each value is a dictionary of language options. Language options are:

    • ext for a list of file extensions.

    • label for the text that will be displayed at the header of the code snippet tab.

    • lang for the name of the programming language (supported by Pygments).

    The order in which the languages and extensions are provided determines their order of precedence in cases where only one display code is to be selected.

    • Example:

      "code_lang": {
         "C++": {"ext": ["cpp","h"],"label":"C++","lang":"C++"}
         "Java": {"ext":["java"], "label":"Java", "lang":"java"},
         "Processing": {"ext":["pde"], "label":"Processing","lang":"java"}
    • In this example, assuming that code_dir is SourceCode/, the system would search for .cpp files, followed by .h files in ~OpenDSA/SourceCode/C++/, then .java files in ~OpenDSA/SourceCode/Java/, and finally .pde files in ~OpenDSA/SourceCode/Processing/.

    • There is not actually a need for the “code” language files to be a real programming language. For example, it is plausible to use a “programming language” called Pseudo with file suffix .txt. However, Pygments might not do well with colorizing the result.

  • tabbed_codeinc (optional) - A boolean that controls whether or not code is displayed in a tabbed interface. If true, it will display the specified code in each of the languages specified in code_lang (if the code exists) in a tabbed container. If false, it will display the code in a single language (the first language for which the code exists with the order of precedence determined by the order specified in code_lang). Defaults to true if omitted.

  • include_tree_view - (optional) A boolean controlling whether or not a Tree view is displayed with code examples to facilitate using screen readers. Defaults to false if omitted.

  • lang (optional) - Specifies the native language of the book using the official ISO 639-1 or 639-2 standard abbreviation, defaults to en if omitted. This is used to control where RST source files are located, within ~OpenDSA/RST/[lang]. Any RST files not found in the indicated subdirectory will then be located in ~OpenDSA/RST/en.

  • sphinx_debug - (optional) A boolean for debugging errors that occur within sphinx while it builds books. Useful for advanced developers. It enables the -E and -P options when running sphinx to build books. It is false by default.

  • glob_mod_options - (optional) An object containing options to be applied to every module in the book. Can be overridden by module-specific options.

  • glob_exer_options - (optional) An object containing options to be applied to every exercise in the book. Can be used to control the behavior of the exercise. Can be overridden by exercise-specific options.

  • glob_pe_options - (optional) An object containing default options for proficiency style exercises in the book. These options can be overidden for specific exercises. If this object is omitted, defaults defined by the compilation script will be used. Fields for this object include:

    • points - The number of points khan-academy style exercises are worth. Defaults to 1 if omitted.

    • threshold - A number between 0 and 1 specifing the percentage of steps a user must get correct to achieve proficiency. Defaults to 1 if omitted.

    • required - Whether proficiency exercises are required for module proficiency. Defaults to true if omitted.


    "glob_pe_options": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "points": 2.0,
      "required": true
  • glob_ka_options - (optional) An object containing default options for khan-academy style exercises in the book. These options can be overidden for specific exercises. If this object is omitted, defaults defined by the compilation script will be used. Fields for this object include:

    • points - The number of points khan-academy style exercises are worth. Defaults to 1 if omitted.

    • threshold - The number of questions a user must complete to achieve proficiency. Defaults to 5 if omitted.

    • required - Whether khan-academy style exercises are required for module proficiency. Defaults to true if omitted.


    "glob_ka_options": {
      "threshold": 5,
      "points": 1.0,
      "required": true
  • glob_ss_options - (optional) An object containing default options for slideshows in the book. These options can be overidden for specific slideshows. If this object is omitted, defaults defined by the compilation script will be used. Fields for this object include:

    • points - the number of points slideshows are worth. Defaults to 0 if omitted.

    • threshold - This option is not used for slideshows.

    • required - whether slideshows are required for module completion. Defaults to false if omitted.


    "glob_ss_options": {
      "threshold": 1.0,
      "points": 0.0,
      "required": false
  • glob_extr_options - (optional) An object containing default options for external tool exercises (i.e. CodeWorkout) in the book. These options can be overidden for specific exercises. If this object is omitted, defaults defined by the compilation script will be used. Fields for this object include:

    • points - the number of points external tool exercises are worth. Defaults to 1 if omitted.

    • You may also specify default options for a specific external tool. Example:

      "glob_extr_options": {
        "code-workout": {
          "points": 2.0
        "points": 1.0

      In the above example, code-workout exercises are worth two points each, and all other external tool exercises are worth one point each. Currently code-workout is the only external tool used by OpenDSA.

  • zeropt_assignments - (optional) A boolean controlling wheter or not an assignment with 0 points should be created for any module without exercises or other scoreable element. The point to this is to make every module appear in the assignment list at Canvas, because otherwise a student who focusses only on assignments (and not modules) would miss seeing this content. Unfortunately, the ordering of the assignments in Canvas does not match the module ordering, so adding these 0-pt assignments might not really help students to read all of the material. Defaults to false if omitted.

  • build_JSAV - (optional) A boolean controlling whether or not the JSAV library should be rebuilt whenever the book is compiled. Defaults to false if omitted.

    • This value should normally set to false for development.

    • Instructors may wish to set this to true for production environments when configuration is run infrequently and JSAV is likely to have changed since the last time configuration occurred.

  • build_cmap - (optional) A boolean controlling wether or not the glossary terms concept map should be diplayed. Defaults to false.

  • req_full_ss - (optional) A boolean controlling whether students must view every step of a slideshow in order to obtain credit. Defaults to true if omitted.

  • narration_enabled - (optional) A boolean controlling whether text-to-speech narration of JSAV slideshows is enabled. If enabled, a small speaker button will be displayed in the top right corner of every JSAV slideshow. If a user clicks the speaker button, narration will be enabled. If the user clicks the button again, narration will be disabled. Defaults to true if omitted.

  • start_chap_num - (optional) Specifies at which number to start numbering chapters. Defaults to 0 if omitted.

  • chapter_name - (optional) A string that will be used as the section name when building the chapters. Defaults to “Chapter”

  • html_css_files - (optional) An array of paths to CSS files to be included in the built book instance. The filepaths should relative to the <opendsa>/RST/_static directory

  • suppress_todo - (optional) A boolean controlling whether or not TODO directives are removed from the RST source files. Defaults to false if omitted.

  • tag - (optional) A string containing a semi-colon delimited list of tags. This directs Sphinx to include material from RST only directives with the matching tag(s). This is useful for relatively fine-grain control over whether material will be included in a book instance. For example, if you want to have multiple paragraphs each with a programming language-dependent discussion, with only the appropriate paragraph for the language being used for this book instance actually appearing to the reader. Any material within an only block that does not have a matching tag in the config file will be left out.

  • assumes - (optional) A string containing a semi-colon delimited list of topics that the book assumes students are familiar with. This allows for control over warnings about missing prerequisite modules during the build process.

  • chapters - A hierarchy of chapters, modules, sections, and exercises. This makes up the vast majority of most configuration files.

    • Each key in “chapters” represents a chapter name. A module object is one whose key matches the name of an RST file in the ~OpenDSA/RST/[lang]/ directory.

    • hidden - This is an optional field to signal the preprocessor to not display the content of the chapter in the TOC. The configuration script will add the new directive odsatoctree. The flagged chapter entries in the TOC will be of class hide-from-toc, and will be removed by a CSS rule in odsaMOD.css file.

    • Modules

      • The key relating to each module object must correspond to a path to an RST file found in ~OpenDSA/RST/[lang]/.

      • dispModComp - (optional) A flag that, if set to “true”, will force the “Module Complete” message to appear even if the module contains no required exercises. If set to “false”, the “Module Complete” message will not appear, even if the module DOES contain required exercises.

      • mod_options - (optional) overrides glob_mod_options, which allows modules to be configured independently from one another. Options that should be stored in JSAV_OPTIONS should be prepended with JOP- and options that should be stored in JSAV_EXERCISE_OPTIONS should be prepended with JXOP-. (This can be used to override the defaults set in odsaUtils.js). All other options will be made directly available to modules in the form of a parameters object created automatically by the client-side framework (specifically, when parseURLParams() is called in odsaUtils.js).

      • codeinclude - (optional) An object that maps the path from a codeinclude to a specific language that should be used for that code. This allows control of individual code snippets, overriding the code_lang field.

        • Ex: "codeinclude": {"Sorting/Mergesort": "C++"} would set C++ as the language for the codeinclude “Sorting/Mergesort” within the current module.

      • sections and exercises - (optional) A collection of section and exercise objects that define the sections and/or exercises in the module whose settings you want to be different from the default or global settings. If you do not wish to override the default/global settings for a section or exercise, you do not need to list it.

        • The section objects should have keys that match the titles of the corresponding sections in the RST file.

        • The exercise objects should have keys that match the short names of the corresponding exercises in the RST file.

        • To remove the section completely, provide the field showsection and set it to false.

        • All options provided within a section object are appended to the directive, please see the Extensions section for a list of supported arguments.

        • A section in an RST file may contain multiple exercises objects. Each exercise object may contain the following attributes:

          • points - (optional) The number of points the exercise is worth. Uses global defaults if omitted.

          • required - (optional) Whether the exercise is required for module proficiency. Uses global defaults if omitted.

          • threshold - (optional) The percentage that a user needs to score on the exercise to obtain proficiency. For khan-academy style exercises, this is the number of questions the user must get correct to obtain proficiency. Uses global defaults if omitted.

          • exer_options - (optional) An object containing exercise-specific configuration options for JSAV. Can be used to override the options set using glob_exer_options. Options that should be stored in JSAV_OPTIONS should be prepended with JOP- and options that should be stored in JSAV_EXERCISE_OPTIONS should be prepended with JXOP-. (This allows overriding the defaults set in odsaUtils.js.) All other options will be made directly available to exercises in the form of a parameters object created automatically by the client-side framework (specifically when parseURLParams() is called in odsaUtils.js).

        Example of a module object:

        "Background/IntroDSA": {
          "IntroSumm": {
            "threshold": 6
          "Some Software Engineering Topics": {
            "showsection": false

        In the above example, the threshold for “IntroSumm” (a khan-academy style exercise) is set to 6, overriding whatever is specified in glob_ka_options. It will retain the default settings for points and required that are specified in glob_ka_options. The section titled “Some Software Engineering Topics” is set to be removed when compiling the book.

        Example of a module object whose sections and exercises all use the default/global settings:

        "Background/IntroDSA": {}

3.5. Configuring Exercises

The most important concern when configuring proficiency exercises is the scoring option to be used. JSAV-based proficiency exercises have a number of possible grading methods:

  • atend: Scores are only shown at the end of the exercise.

  • continuous:undo: Mistakes are undone, the student will lose that point but have to repeat the step.

  • continuous:fix: On a mistake, the step is corrected, the student loses that point, and then is ready to attempt the next step. This mode requires that the exercise have the capability to fix the step. If it does not, this grading mode will default to continuous:undo.

All proficiency exercises can be controlled through URL parameters. What the configuration file actualy does by setting exer_options is specify what should be in the URL parameters that are sent to the exercise by the OpenDSA module page. Here is an example for configuring an exercise:

"shellsortPRO": {
  "required": true,
  "points": 2.0,
  "threshold": 0.9,
  "exer_options": {
    "JXOP-feedback": "continuous",
    "JXOP-fixmode": "fix"

This configuration will affect the configuration of an entity called shellsortPRO (presumeably defined by an ..avembed directive in the corresponding OpenDSA module). It is scored (as indicated by setting the required field to true), and is worth 2.0 points of credit once the user reaches “proficiency”. To reach “proficiency” requires correctly achieving 90% of the possible steps on some attempt at the exercise (as defined by threshold). The exercise is instructed to use the continuous:fix mode of scoring.

In addition to the standard JXOP-feedback and JXOP-fixmode parameters, a given AV or exercise might have ad hoc parameter settings that it can accept via URL parameter. Examples might be algorithm variations or initial data input values. Those would have to be defined by the exercise itself. These (along with the standard grading options) can also have defaults defined in the .json file associated with the AV or exercise, which might help to document the available options. Any such ad hoc parameter defaults can be over-ridden in the exer_options setting in the configuration file.

3.6. Book Configuration GUI

A graphical user interface that instructors may use to create their own book configurations is located here. A version of this documentation with some screenshots can be found here.

3.6.1. Load Existing Configuration (Optional)

1. Select Reference Configuration: You may select from a number of configuration files that are stored on the OpenDSA server. These can be useful as a starting point for creating your own configuration.

2. Select Your Configuration: If you have created/uploaded a configuration to the OpenDSA server in the past, you may load it and make modifications to it. If you only wish to change the point values of the exercises in the book, or add additional modules to the book, you may update the existing configuration directly and ge-generate your Canvas course. However, if you wish to remove or reorder the modules in the book, then you must save your configuration as a new template book and create a new course. These configurations are stored in the OpenDSA-LTI database.

3. Select Configuration File: If you have a book configuration file (.json), you may load it using this option.

3.6.2. Book settings

These are global settings that describe or apply to the entire book.

  • Title: This will be the title of the book

  • Description: A short description of the book

  • Language: The language of the content in the book. This will determine which modules are available for you to choose from. The vast majority of OpenDSA content is currently only available in English.

  • Code Languages: OpenDSA modules sometimes contain sample code. You may select which languages you wish for these code samples to appear in. If you select multiple languages, the code sample container will have a tab for each language (unless you disable Tabbed Code-include), with the tabs ordered based on how you order the languages in the interface. You may reorder the languages using drag-and-drop. It is important to note that code samples are usually not available in every language, but most code samples are available in Java.

  • Global Exercise Options: These are options that will apply to every exercise.

    • JSAV Debug: This option can be useful for developers of OpenDSA exercises. It enables the debug flag for JSAV exercises which results in some debugging information being printed to the browser console.

  • Global Slideshow Options: These options will apply to all slideshows, unless explicitly overridden for individual slideshows.

    • Required: Whether the completion of the slideshow is required for module proficiency.

    • Points: The number of points completion of the slideshow is worth.

  • Global Khan-Academy Exercise Options: These are options that will apply to all Khan-Academy style exercise, unless explicitly overriden for individual exercises.

    • Required: Whether the completion of the exercise is required for module proficiency.

    • Points: The number of points the exercise is worth.

    • Threshold: The number of questions the student must get correct to achieve proficiency.

  • Global Proficiency Exercise Options: These are options that will apply to all proficiency style exercises, unless explicitly overriden for individual exercises.

    • Required: Whether the completion of the exercise is required for module proficiency.

    • Points: The number of points the exercise is worth.

    • Threshold: The proportion of steps the student must get correct to achieve proficiency. Must be between 0 and 1, where 1 means the student must get all steps correct to achieve proficiency.

  • Global External Tool Options: These are options that will apply to all external tool exercises unless the same settings are specified for the specific external tool, or overidden for a specific external tool exercise.

    • Points: The number of points the exercise is worth.

  • Global Code-Workout Options: These are options that will apply to all Code-Workout exercises, unless explicitly overriden for individual exercises.

    • Points: The number of points the exercise is worth.

  • Other Options: These are simple options that are either enabled or disabled.

    • Build JSAV: Controls whether or not the JSAV library should be rebuilt whenever the book is compiled.

    • Display Module Completion: If enabled, will force the “Module Complete” message to appear even if the module contains no required exercises. If disabled, the “Module Complete” message will not appear, even if the module DOES contain required exercises.

    • Build Concept Map: Controls whether a concept map is built for glossary terms in the book. If enabled, then a concept map for a specific term, which shows how that term relates to other terms, can be viewed by clicking on the term on the glossary page. Note that a concept map may not be available for every term.

    • Narration Enabled: This controls whether or not a button should be shown for each slideshow that will turn on text-to-speech narration for that slideshow.

    • Suppress ToDo: Controls whether or not TODO messages are displayed. This should generally be enabled.

    • Tabbed Code-include: Controls whether or not code samples are displayed in a tabbed interface. If enabled, it will display code samples in each of the languages selected in Code Languages section (if the code exists) in a tabbed container. If disabled, it will display the code in a single language (the first language for which the code exists with the order of precedence determined by the order specified in the Code Languages section).

3.6.3. Book Content

This two-pane drag-and-drop interface allows you to specify the content that should be in your book. Before you can select the content in your book, you must first either select the book language, or load an existing configuration.

  • The left pane (Included Modules) lists the content that is included in your book.

  • The right pane (Available Modules) lists content that is available to be included in your book.

  • Books are organized into chapters, with each chapter containing one or more modules. You choose the names of chapters, as well as which modules should be included in each chapter.git status

  • A module may contain zero or more sections, and a section may contain zero or more exercises and/or slideshows.

  • To add a chapter to your book, click the “+ Chapter” button and enter a name for the chapter.

  • To remove a chapter and all of its modules from your book, right click on the chapter, then click “Delete”.

  • To add a module to your book, left-click and hold and drag a module from the Available pane and drop it (release your left mouse button) in the Included pane in the desired chapter. You can select multiple modules by holding Ctrl (Mac: ⌘) and clicking on the desired modules. To select multiple sequentially listed modules, click on the first module, then hold Shift and click on the last module.

  • To remove a module from your book, right click on the module in the Included pane, then click “Remove”.

  • Reorder chapters and modules in your book using drag-and-drop. The order of the chapters and modules in the Included pane will be the order of the chapters and modules in your book.

  • To override the global settings for an individual exercise, right click on the exercise, then click “Edit Settings”.

  • To hide a section in the book, right click on the section, then click “Hide Section”.

3.6.4. Saving Your Configuration

Once you are finished configuring your book you can:

1. Click “Save New Configuration” to save the configuration as a template book to the OpenDSA database. The book will then show up in the list of available books when creating a new course offering.

2. If you have loaded one of your existing configurations you can click “Update Configuration”. You can then update your Canvas course by regenerating it. Note that this option does not support removing or reordering chapters and/or modules.

3. Click “Download Configuration” to download a json file containing the configuration.

3.7. Creating Course Offerings

3.7.1. Rationale

Separate from book configuration files (which define the contents of a book, scoring information, and configurations for various exercise), a given book instance will typically be accessed in the context of a particular LMS, which will require various permissions in order to operate correctly. The compilation process separates the compilation of book files from the interactions needed to set up the book’s use at a specific instance of the LMS. Book instances are in fact compiled to the specification necessary for that specific LMS to access it, meaning that book instances cannot be shared across LMS’s, or by different instances of the same LMS (say, two instances of Canvas), or even by two course instances on the same installation of a given LMS. The reason is that the internal cross links between the various parts of the book instance are often defined in the context of a specific course instance within the LMS.

3.7.2. Process

The following is a description of the steps involved in creating a course offering and publishing it to an LMS, including what happens behind the scenes. It is assumed that the user in this scenario has instructor access. This description is intended for infrastructure developers. For a guide aimed at helping instructors publish a course offering to an LMS, see https://opendsa-server.cs.vt.edu/guides/opendsa-bookinstance.

  1. An instructor navigates to the course offering creation page and fills out the New Course Offering form.

  1. The instructor clicks submit on the New Course Offering form.

3. A post request is sent to the /course_offerings endpoint, which results in the create method of the CourseOfferingsController (course_offerings_controller.rb) being run.

4. The create method searches for any existing course offering for the same course, term, label, and lms instance. If no course offering exists, then a new course offering is created in the course_offerings table of the database. Then, the template book instance that the user selected in the New Course Offering form is cloned, meaning a copy is made and saved to the database. This cloned book instance is associated with the new course offering (by setting the course_offering_id attribute). The user creating the course offering is enrolled in the new course offering as an instructor. The url of the new course offering’s page is included in the server’s response.

5. The url from the server’s response in the previous step is used to redirect the user to the page listing the course offerings for the course the user selected in the New Course Offering form.

6. The user finds the course offering they just created, and clicks the “Generate Canvas Course” button for that course offering. This sends a request to the /inst_books/:id route, resulting in the compile method of the InstBooksController (inst_books_controller.rb) being run.

7. The compile method enqueues a new GenerateCourseJob using the delayed job gem. This creates a new row in the delayed_jobs table of the database. A background process reads this job from the database and executes the job.

8. The GenerateCourseJob first uses the Canvas API to generate the chapters and modules in Canvas so that it can record the Canvas module and assignment id’s for each chapter and module. These ID’s are saved to the correspoding OpenDSA chapter and module records in the OpenDSA database. These ID’s will be used by the book compilation script next. OpenDSA makes calls to the Canvas API using the Pandarus client provided by Instructure. This step also involves creating an external tool configuration for OpenDSA in Canvas.

9. After setting up the necessary infrastructure in the Canvas course, the GenerateCourseJob will then load the book instance from the database, convert the instance to json using a jbuilder, then dump the json to a temporary configuration file in the public/OpenDSA/config/temp folder. The configuration file created by the jbuilder includes the ID’s generate by the LMS in the previous step. The temp file will be named in the format temp_{user_id}_{timestamp}.json.

10. The GenerateCourseJob will then execute the book compilation script at public/OpenDSA/tools/configure.py, passing the path of the temporary config file just created. This will generate the HTML files for each module in the book.