10. ReST Extensions

The following custom ReST extensions have been created for the OpenDSA project.

The documentation here presents all of the options associated with each directive, as if the directive were to appear for direct processing by Sphinx. However, OpenDSA modules are intended to be pre-processed by a configuration script that dynamically loads in additional information to tailor modules for specific eTextbook instances. In particular, information related to grading of embedded exercises should be controlled by the configuration files. See Compiling Book Instances: OpenDSA Configuration for details. Thus, a number of the directive options, while documented, are labeled as not being set manually (i.e., by the module author) within the ReST file. You just leave those options out when you create your module, and specify them instead in your configuration file.

10.1. avembed


avembed - embed an AV or other HTML page inside a ReST document.


.. avembed:: {relative_path} {type}
   [:exer_opts: {string}]
   [:long_name: {string}]
   [:links: {list of .css file paths}]
   [:scripts: {list of .js file paths}]
   [:module: {string}]
   [:points: {number}]
   [:required: true|false]
   [:showhide: show|hide|none]
   [:threshold: {number}]
.. avembed:: {relative_path} {type}

{relative_path} is the relative path (from the OpenDSA home directory) to the embedded page. {type} is the type of embedded exercise, one of the following:

  • ka - Khan Academy style exercises

  • pe - OpenDSA proficiency exercises

  • ss - slideshows

  • dgm - JSAV-based diagram

:exer_opts: {string}

A URL-encoded string of configuration options to pass to exercises. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

:long_name: {string}

Long name for the embedded object. The “short” name is the file name.

:links: {list of .css file paths}

A space delimited list of .css files associated with the embedded exercise. Paths should be relative to the OpenDSA root directory.

:scripts: {list of .js file paths}

A space delimited list of .js files associated with the embedded exercise. Paths should be relative to the OpenDSA root directory.

:module: {string}

The name of the module on which the AV is embedded. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

:points: {number}

Number of points this activity is worth. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

[:required: true|false]

Whether this activity is required for module credit. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

:showhide: show|hide|none

Include a button to show or hide the embedded content. The options are show to have the content visible when the page is first loaded or hide to have it hidden on page load. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

[:threshold: {number}]

Threshold number of points required for credit. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.


The .. avembed:: directive fetches the AV’s information (width and height, etc.) from its XML description file. This XML file is located in the directory xml contained within the same directory as the AV. If the AV is named fooAV.html then the XML file must be xml/fooAV.xml. The path to the OpenDSA top-level directory should be set within conf.py in the source directory.

10.2. extrtoolembed


extrtoolembed - embed an external exercise inside a ReST document.


.. extrtoolembed:: '{exercise name}'
   [:learning_tool: {string}]

:learning_tool: {string}

The name of the learning tool the exercise is from. Defaults to code-workout if excluded. For plain HTML books, the list of available external tools is located in extrtoolembed.py. For exercises delivered through LTI, the list of available external tools is located in the learning_tools table of the OpenDSA-LTI database, and should have the same tool names as listed in extrtoolembed.py, although other information such as the tool launch URL is likely to be different.

10.3. avmetadata


avmetadata - metadata information associated with this module.


.. avmetadata::
   :author: {string}
   :prerequisites: {list of module_name}
   :topic: {string}
   :requires: {string}
   :satisfies: {string}
:author: {string}

Module author’s name.

:prerequisites: {list of module_name}

A comma-separated list of zero or more module_name. These represent the prerequisites for this module.

:topic: {string}

The topic covered by this module.

:requires: {string}

A semi-colon delimited list of topics students are expected to know prior to completing the module

:satisfies: {string}

A semi-colon delimited list of topics covered in this module that satisfy prerequisite knowledge requirements of other modules

10.4. codeinclude


codeinclude - displays code snippets within the eTextbook.


.. codeinclude:: {relative_path}
   [:tag: {mytag1} [, {mytag2}, ...]]

.. codeinclude:: {relative_path}

Include the contents of the file located at {relative_path}. If the path is relative to code_dir, that specific file will be loaded. However, if the path is relative to a code language directory in code_dir, the directive will attempt to load the file in all the languages (specified in code_lang) in a tabbed display if tabbed_codeinc is True and only the language with highest precedence if tabbed_codeinc is False. Convention dictates that the file extension be omitted when using the second option, however, the directive will automatically strip the file extension if one is provided.

:tag: {my_tag}

Optionally, a tag or a comma separated list of tags can be specified. These tags must appear inside the source code file as specially formatted comments that delimit the block(s) of code that will be included. If tags are used, then only the code block(s) with the tags will appear. If multiple tags are used, then the multiple blocks will appear as though they were one continuous block of code without the intervening code that does not appear with the tags. If additional tags are hierarchically embedded within a tag block, then those tags will not appear (but the code will). Note that the source code must format the tags correctly, as:

/* *** ODSATag: my_tag *** */
/* *** ODSAendTag: my_tag *** */

:lang: {code_language}

Specifies the language of the code to be loaded (overrides multiple language loading).


The codeinclude directive closely matches the standard ReST directive literalinclude.:

.. codeinclude:: {relative_path}
   [:tag: my_tag]

will (logically) map to::

.. literalinclude:: <relative_path>
   :start-after: /* *** ODSATag: my_tag *** */
   :end-before: /* *** ODSAendTag: my_tag *** */

10.5. inlineav


inlineav - used to embed an AV (in particular “slideshows”) into the document


.. inlineav:: {avId} {type}
   [:output: show|hide]
   :long_name: {string}
   :links: {list of .css file paths}
   :scripts: {list of .js file paths}
   :points: {number}
   :required: true|false
   :threshold: {number}
   :align: left|right|center|justify|inherit

.. inlineav:: avId type

Create a container for an inline AV with the given ID and type. If the type is ss a slideshow will be created, if it is dgm a diagram will be created, and if it is ff a frame will be created. inlineav diagrams behave like typicall reStructuredText figures. Cross reference target and caption are declared using the standard syntax.

[:output: show|hide]

If the AV is a slideshow, controls whether or not the message box is displayed Note the ‘output’ argument is only valid for slideshows.


Long-form name for a slideshow object.

:links: {list of .css file paths}

A space delimited list of .css files associated with a slideshow. Paths should be relative to the OpenDSA root directory.

:scripts: {list of .js file paths}

A space delimited list of .js files associated with a slideshow. Paths should be relative to the OpenDSA root directory.

:points: {number}

Number of points this activity is worth. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

:required: true|false

Whether this activity is required for module credit. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

:threshold: {number}

Threshold number of points required for credit. Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

:align: left|right|center|justify|inherit

The alignment of the caption within the page.

10.6. iframe


iframe - embed an HTML page inside a ReST document.


.. iframe:: {iframe_src}
   [:name: {string}]
   [:height: {number}]
   [:width: {number}]

.. iframe: {iframe_src}

{iframe_src} is the path to the embedded page. This will be used to set the src attribute of the HTML iframe. By default, this path must be relative to the OpenDSA home directory. However, if the absolute_url option of the directive is present, then the value {iframe_src} will be directly used as the src attribute of the HTML iframe.

:name: {string}

A name for the iframe. This will be used to set the id attribute of the HTML iframe element. If omitted, then the filename of the embedded page will be used.

:height: {number}

The height of the iframe in pixels. If omitted, then a default value will be used.

:width: {number}

The width of the iframe in pixels. If omitted, then a default value will be used.


This option does not take any arguments. If this option is omitted, then the {iframe_src} argument will be treated as relative to the OpenDSA home directory. If included, then the {iframe_src} argument will be treated as an absolute URL.

10.7. numref


numref - adds numbered cross references to modules.


:numref: {caption} <{reference_label}>
:numref: {reference_label}

:numref: {caption} <{reference_label}>

A custom interpreted text role. numref adds numbered cross references within ODSA documents.


Text to be displayed next to the numbered reference.


Reference name (unique) of the referenced object. Should be enclose in brackets (<>) when a caption is provided. It is specified via the standard ReST referencing mechanisms.


The ODSA preprocessor creates a table of all referenced objects with numbers and writes it into a file that is read by the numref role. When referencing equation (declared with math directive), ‘equation-’ need to be added in front of the label to work, eg to reference the equation with label ‘sum2’ you write :numref:`<equation-sum2>`

WARNING: We now consider it a violation of best practice to reference a module from another module. This is because OpenDSA is a collection of materials that can be combined in various ways. For this reason, use of numref has been phased out.

10.8. chap/numchap


chap/numchap - adds a reference to the first (introduction) module of a chapter.


:chap: {chapter_name}
:numchap: {chapter_name}

:chap: {chapter_name}

A custom interpreted role that adds the chapter name as the label for a link to the first module of the indicated chapter.

:numchap: {chapter_name}

A custom interpreted role that adds a chapter number as the label for a link to the first module of the indicated chapter.


The name of the chapter. It should be identical (case sensitive) to the one specified in the json configuration file.

10.9. showhidecontent


showhidecontent - creates a section of text that can be hidden or displayed.


.. showhidecontent:: {section_id}
   [:long_name: {string}]
   [:showhide: show|hide|none]
.. showhidecontent:: {section_id}

{section_id} is a string used to identify the section in the configuration file. Ideally, it should be descriptive and in camel-case, because if long_name is omitted, section_id will be converted to a space-delimited string and used in its place

:long_name: {string}

The display name for the section that will appear on the showhide button (if applicable). If omitted, the section_id will be converted from camel-case to a space-delimited string and used in its place Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

:showhide: show|hide|none

If show then display a button to show or hide the section and make the section visible on page load. If hide then display the button, but hide the section on page load. If none or if the option is omitted then the section will be displayed with no button Added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

10.10. TODO


TODO - adds a todo box in the output HTML file, and is also used by the ODSA preprocessor script to create a separate HTML page containing the collated list of desired AVs and Exercises. (NOTE: Can also be called as todo.)


.. TODO::
   [:type: {type label of the desired artifact}]


.. TODO::

Within the module, this behaves like the standard Sphinx TODO (or todo) directive. As with the standard TODO directive, the author should then include (indented) text that describes the task to be done. The ODSA version will in addition create a separate page TODO.html that includes a listing of all TODO blocks from all of the modules.

:type: {type label of the desired artifact}

The type of the desired artifact (AV, Proficiency Exercise, etc). This is just a label, so it can be anything. Each separate label will collate together all TODO entries with that label on the TODO.html page.


The ODSA preprocessor collects the descriptions (i.e., the text that follows the TODO directive) from the complete collection of RST files to create a separate TODO.rst file that lists all the desired AVs and Exercises grouped by type. The TODO.rst file should be included in the index.rst file to be part of the table of contents for the eBook.

10.12. odsascript


odsascript - adds the code to include a script file in the HTML output file.


.. odsascript:: {path to file}

.. odsascript:: The directive injects the code to include a script file in the outputted HTML files. It gets the path to ODSA directory from the odsa_path variable in the conf.py file.

{path to file} The path (relative to ODSA directory root as defined by the odsa_path variable in the conf.py file) to the script file to be include.


The directory containing the file to be included should be hosted within the ODSA directory. Example, if odsa_path is defined to be ..\..\.., then

.. odsascript:: JSAV/build/JSAV-min.js

will produce

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../JSAV/build/JSAV-min.js"></script>

in the HTML output file.

10.13. odsafig


odsafig - provides the ability to specify caption alignment to figures.


.. odsafig:: {path to image}
   :capalign: left|right|center|justify|inherit

.. odsafig:: The directive behaves exactly as the standard .. figure:: directive. It allows you to specify the positioning of figure caption on the page

:capalign: left|right|center|justify|inherit

The alignment of the caption on the page.


The directive closely matches the standard ReST figure directive. The only addition is the :capalign: argument.

10.14. odsatab


odsatab - provides the ability to create tables (with math directive) that behave like figures. Caption is display above the table, and the position of the caption can be specified by the user.


.. odsatab::
   :capalign: left|right|center|justify|inherit
   :align: left|right|center

.. odsatab:: The directive allows the user to create tables using math directives. The directive numbers tables and allows numbered cross refences. It allows users to specify the positioning of the table and the table caption on the page

:capalign: left|right|center|justify|inherit

The alignment of the caption on the page.

:align: left|right|cente

The alignment of the table on the page.


The first paragraph of the directive content is used as table caption.

10.15. odsatoctree

Specialized version Sphinx toctree directive. It is used when a chapter has the optional hidden field to true. The Modules in the chapter will not be visible in the table of content. It is added automatically by the configuration process, do NOT add manually.

10.16. ref

We have modified the Sphinx ref directive to better support the fact that eBook instances can vary with respect to whether given modules are included or not.


ref - Creates a hyperlink to a module, label, or a glossary term.


:ref:`my anchor text <label>`
:ref:`my anchor text <glossary term> <label>`

my anchor text

The anchor text for the hyperlink.


Module name or some label within a module. If it is a module name, then ref links to the module. If it is a label (such as for an Example), then the directive links to that point in the module. If <label> does not exist, then the directive shows only the anchor text (in normal font, as though no reference were being made).

<glossary term>

If <label> does not exist and the <glossary term> is given, then the hyperlink directs to the <glossary term> entry in the glossary.

10.17. topic (special case)

The syntax of the topic directive is not changed in OpenDSA. We use this directive to display examples, tables, and theorems. To insert an example in your module, use the keyword Example as the topic title. To insert a theorem in your module, use the keyword Theorem as the topic title. The example/table/theorem can be referenced using the standard Sphinx mechanism. For a numbered reference, use the :num: directive.


(1) to add  an example with an anchor
.. _example1:

.. topic:: Example

This is our first example

(2) to reference the example
See Example :num: `Example #example1`.